Tuesday, October 26, 2010

all the world's a stage

So i'm back in my room nursing a pretty much 'gone' throat:(
I am a bad girl; I over-sang
my throat feels like something is stuck in the middle of it
and when I talk I feel pretty much disgusted with the way I sound
NOT, that i'm actually talking, since i'm actually alone in my room...

I feel a bit cheated by cultural activities night
2 girls i know came up to me and were like
"Whats going on tonight?!"
and i was like, well, to tell you the truth, nothing, since the program has already ended?!

But. limited publicity and awful sound system and even more awful venue notwithstanding
it felt truly awesome to be standing on stage again.
it felt like i had come home
truly THE most amazing feeling i get is when I stand on stage
because memories of all the different times
I've ever ever been on stage will flood in without my permission
from the time in primary2 when I went on stage to do a CHINESE recitation
with yellow umbrellas and small toy drums
[for all of you who think i can't speak chinese: we actually won first place for our category:P]

to singing in the cold and freezing ourselves in Italy.
I guess the stage is a nostalgic place for me
quite strange I think.
That a raised platform: ANY raised platform
would bring back such memories for me
but they're not all pleasant.
like the time in primary 5 when I rep my school for a speak good english storytelling competition
and was forced by my teacher to tell an AESOP FABLE
which have got to be the most difficult stories to tell
because one it's a moral story and two it's an ancient story!
so anyway
being the most ingenious person i am, i decided to pick the L O N G E S T story out of the book
i think there were two main characters
which was a fox
and some other domestic fowl
i think it was a chicken, but I can't be too sure
I don't trust my memory; why on earth would a fox be talking to a chicken??
but anyway.
it was two animals, probably a fox and a chicken
and somehow I kept tripping up over the entire story
and kept replacing fox for chicken and viceversa

till this day i have no idea why i did that
because i was not in the least bit nervous
although i think my storytelling skills were really disastrous
I was like saying matter of factly
very point by point kind of storytelling
which nobody told me not to do
[but ignorance is never an excuse is it?]
and i saw people cringing
and i was wondering "why are they looking at me like that, i'm having a lot of fun!"
goes to show what the 11 year old me thought of as fun-.-
so anyway, i learnt my lesson
never tell stories with 2 animals
that never seem to end
or better yet
never tell stories ever again

anyway, singing with the THacapella was awesome
cos we were finally, finally in tune! or at least we sounded like we matched lah
even though i was singing like mad
and the 2 sops were fighting to sound as loud as the 5 altos
honestly amazed that there are more altos than sops cos thats never ever happened before

and then i think continuous 'practice' of blasting that last 'A' high note
has finally taken a toll on my voice:(
but i guess it was worth it cos it sounded quite good, if i do say so myself:P

then i rushed like mad, cos i was supposed to sing with charmaine
and we hadn't really practiced
but fortunately taylor swift's teardrops on my guitar wasn't too difficult
well, compared to the first song we wanted to sing
cos i could never ever come in right for that first song
i do think the end performance was disastrous
no thanks to the mikes which made me feel really really self conscious and nervous
cos basically you hear your own echo like a second after you've sung it
so basically my ears were listening to two songs being sung like split seconds after each other

i'm real tired. gonna knock of for the night
performing takes up energy!

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