Thursday, December 16, 2010

lesson learnt

I learnt and important lesson, one that came from a teacher so totally unexpected it threw me slightly offguard. I don't think she even knows how big an impact she made in my life.
Obviously she'll know after reading this(: But she showed me how to open my eyes to the 'others' in the world, how to open my heart to notice their needs, and how to open my hand to make a positive difference in somebody's life.

in short, she notices the unnoticeables and she does something about it. I don't think she wants any recognition, which is why i won't mention her name. Yesterday after dinner, while heading back to school, she pulled me aside and said [not verbatim, but something to this effect]: "eh, i think theres an old lady with a lot of bags. I scared she cannot cross the road leh, how? what can we do?"

I stopped and thought. an old lady? why didn't i see her? we decided to turn around to help, leaving the group to go ahead first. and even then i couldn't see, my eyes weren't big enough, or maybe the night was too dark. Only after she pointed out the lady to me did i see her. and then i noticed the amount of plastic bags she had in her hand, and how she was standing at the curbside, of a dark and not quite well-lit road.

and i didn't even notice. too caught up with myself and my own thoughts maybe. or just indifferent and callous to the people around me.

my friend wanted to help her cross the road. we came to a consensus and approached her to ask if she needed any help, and she said she was waiting for her daughter to pick her up in the car. But the smile that lit up her face told me she was touched that there were people who noticed and cared enough to go out of their way to help her [not referring to myself]

i guess i learnt and important lesson that night. how to notice the unnoticeables, and how making a difference in someone's life could be as simple as that.

i couldn't stop thinking about it though, I the believer- the one who didn't notice. I pray that God will give me bigger eyes and a bigger heart:D


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