#26-Love yourself
No, it's not about narcissism, it's about the loving the body God created:D [in spite of the fact that i am on a diet, I DO LOVE MYSELF]
#26-Love yourself
Labels: christmas
#27-Read a good book
#27 reminds me why I like the english language in the first place. and since it's post exams, it's the perfect time to find something of interest to devour...
Labels: christmas
#28-find a lonely heart
It's 28 days to christmas! the season thats supposed to be full of joy, full of love and full of cheer. but for some, maybe it isn't. thats why...
don't let it break apart
credits: Luiz Rodriguez, trekearth.com
{Another picture from a moving car. This girl looked so lonely, like she was waiting for someone, or longing for better days.}
Labels: christmas
#29-love your friends
it's 29 days toChristmas ! and in honour of clarence-i'm an idiot, no wait why did i just admit that i'm an idiot-lee and edna-schizo tooty potty-chan and our epic conversation, heres the lesson learnt: Love your friends, never lie, never doublestab, and never ever lose them

Labels: christmas
#30- hugs do a world of good
It's 30 days [or a month] to CHRISTMAS! Heres 30 posts about Christmas! #30: HUGS DO A WORLD OF GOOD
photo taken by: Eunice
inside photo: Adelin and Elaine
Labels: christmas
and it's times like this i place a wish
on every raindrop falling
and every tear that trickles
says how much i wished i could
let it show, let it grow
beyond our wildest dreams
i wish you were here.
learning that photobucket is easy to use and makes nice photos.
it's the exam period and i know leisure writing ought to take a back seat...
but i could use some inspiration
oh well. will do something interesting in 2 days time!
cos it would be 30 days to christmas...
excuse me while i go find that little bit of sun in my life
Xenogenous: Due to an outside causeā¦
Labels: X
in the midst of studying. and all the stress...
...i came up with more verses of soul that are work in progress!(:
Never could imagine: Life without your smile;
Take on a new beginning, Melt our dreams into a pile;
Turn the ocean over, Wipe the desert clean
Raindrops in the corner, Teardrops in my dream
If only they could see beyond the surface of your skin
Delve below the shallow, see your beauty from within
Take a two way mirror, shine it through your soul
Kiss the scarlet letter, erase the name you know
i'm kinda in love with the idea of imagery
just the idea of painting with words is fascinating
especially if the imagery hasn't been used before
but there are so many poems, so many songs written, that it's not easy to come up with brand new lines
sometimes you wanna express a certain feeling,
but it's already been expressed a million times over
in a million different forms
that to re-express it again, brand new...
the challenge refreshes me(:
and i know i'm taking time out from studying
but this is learning too
and learning what you love makes it even more enjoyable
my few moments of respite.
heres another set:
JOY came down and filled the earth
Shepherds pride of the one they served
This child, our savior, his special birth
Our savior, a child, for ransom's worth.
thats for my christmas card idea.
let me tell you
christmas verses are the hardest to write
has there ever been a season more commercialised
more widely known, more celebrated
than christmas? i mean, the whole story has been expressed in a gazillion ways
christmas decorations, christmas songs.
how does one bring out the 'newness' the 'freshness'
of the season for those whom the season means more than just
shopping, presents, snow, parties...?
how do you inject excitement into a season
thats like commercialism's pet project...
and thats been rendered so meaningless?
maybe it's time to bring back the protagonist of christmas
like i said, work in progress.
Any comments, any suggestions, let me know!(:
oh, and i've finally gotten over my obsession with words that begin with the letter 'Re...'
now i'm taken with words starting with the letter 'x'!!(:
wonder how long the obsession with this letter will last. considering it takes up barely 5(?) pages in the dictionary!(:
and 'ex' counts as 'x':D
i think i'll add the meanings of my 'x' letter words here:D
xenium: A present given to a guest or stranger, or to a foreign ambassador
Labels: christmas, verses of soul, X
remind me again
today was a pretty productive day.
depends on what your terms for 'productive' is though.
crazy things seem to happen to the hotcakes1101e lecturers whenever we study together
the HC1101E lecturers also happen to be the:
anyway, edna clarence and i were intending to meet outside centralforum co-op
cos we needed to buy stuff
but guess what? CO-OP IS CLOSED TILL TUESDAY!!! :( :( :(
hahaha. you heard it from me, all 1.7364 million of you who kept coming to co-op and reading the notice on the door and walking away dejectedly.
seriously, what would nus students do without our beloved co-op??
anyway, the funniest has got to be the guy, who seeing the shutters down
still went to try and pull the door open-.-
how do we know the 1.7364million of people?
cos we just plunked ourselves at the bench right outside co-op to begin studying.
since, well according to edna: "anyway here also got a lot of power-points"
like 6 or 8 power-points...
we tried to study.
or at least I DID.
someone got distracted by supercity.
and someone got distracted by this hmm... pretty funny cleaning auntie who plunked down beside him and kept calling him "xiao di di"
it was hilarious because she kept talking in hokkien and chinese
and edna and I were like "don't look at us, you're the chinese major!"
so we left him to deal with her.
turns out she wanted to sit cos it was hot and ...
"..." represents the whole list of complains she had cos i forgot what they were
too many already.
but she stopped after a while when she saw the three of us busy looking at our notes and mugging
BUT THEN. the Indian fan-fixer worker handy-man came along, and there was some sharp exchange between the two of them about the fixing of some fans.
Now, that would be pretty normal apart from the fact that she can't speak english at all and he can't speak mandarin/dialect.
hence, her dear 'xiao di di' was called in to be translator.
after the stand-off, she proceeded to launch into a tirade which clarencelee happily joined in-.-
see, they are bonding, no?
by this time, edna and i were laughing pretty uncontrollably.
but we didn't want to be rude or mean, so we hid it pretty well. i think.
and since edna's laptop was on, the convo was something like
[on the laptop screen] "i think clarence no need study already"
"i think so too. and i can't stop laughing at XIAO DI DI"
and then we looked at each and other and couldn't hold it in anymore.
then she had her lunch. which was a super fragrant LONTONG :( :(
and i was so hungry i actually growled[not me, my stomach] when i smelt it:(
food food food:(
edna went off to collect her script, and the two remaining lecturers were paid a second visit by this cat dubbed 'skinny marvin' by edna and me. we saw it like mid-way through studying and it just waltzed past us.
strange. maybe it hates edna:D
anyway, since edna wasn't around, skinny marvin [if you really must know, marvin is tom fletcher of mcfly's
fat cat. who surprisingly doesn't look fat in any of the pictures that i could find except this one without his head. the resemblance is there, except this cat was rather skinny.]
anyway, skinny marvin decided to JUMP UP TO THE BENCH I WAS SITTING ON!!! not ashamed to say i gave a yelp and jumped out of my seat. okay, maybe a little ashamed.
but anyway, was totally stunned by how he wasn't scared of humans. AT ALL. seriously, this cat is braveee. mice beware!
so, as though our bench was not comfy enough, he decided to jump onto our TABLETOP.
[notice how i keep saying our although it really is NUS', still. small difference]
so the very cat-friendly clarence decides to whip out his phone to take pictures of skinnymarvin up close. and so did i. from a very safe distance.
skinny marvin looks a little stuck up! haha. actually, it was almost as though he was preening for the camera (phone). and he seemed to enjoy being photographed!
thats my close up shot of skinny marvin, taken with the aid of ZOOM FUNCTION.
then the 'ingenious' guy decided that the reason skinnymarvin was on the table was so that he could watch the sunderland-chelsea match highlights that was on his laptop-.-
so he decided to place his laptop smack in front of skinnymarvin all the while making weird noises that i suppose were supposed to be some kind of cat-call.
To be honest, skinny marvin wasn't really watching the match all the time. in fact, he was probably pretty disgusted by the way chelsea played. but this shot was cool cos he looked like he was so "into" the game. as clarence so claims-.-
more shots of marvin watching his game
getting bored of the game already?!
anyway, then some visitors came by and were all coo-ing over the cat as well. erm, it's cute lah. but i wouldn't pet it the way they did! i mean, it's still a stray after all.
so they started taking pictures. then clarence removed his laptop so they could take nicer pictures. and strangely, marvin didn't like that! haha.
he kinda got up.
decided that the way to get the laptop back would be to go on an expedition to find it.
across the table.
across my notes.
across my pens
across my readings.
and finally, WRONG LAPTOP.
he landed on mine
poor laptop. it's got the mark of skinnymarvin all over it now:(
i think i was freaking just a little bit, thats why there are absolutely no photos of the cat on my laptop. but it seriously decided to pose on my laptop.
then some kind stranger decided to do me a favour by carrying the cat and placing him on the ground. while. the. retarded. clarence. stood. by. and. did. nothing. but. laugh. at. me.
after that we went to macs to prepare a surprise as well as the marshall welfare pack!!!(:
such three lovely people(: realised that this would spoil the surprise of what the pack looks like, but still(: i printed marshall's face to motivate everyone to study. cos someone said that thats the kind of face we need for our exams: smug and uber confident...like this...
but i printed it in sepia colour, and it really really looked like an obituary cutting! then we got some morbid fun...
DOESN'T THIS LOOK LIKE A FUNERAL PALOUR? with the photo in front and the 'coffin' at the back and two 'flowers'
so when we put them all together, they kinda looked like mass funeral sessions-.-either that or funeral cars
crazy load of stuff we got...okay actually it's not a lot:D
these packages were wrapped by THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE. looks so nice on the front right...
HAHA, this is the back, which looks ugly. guessed who did which one. i think you'd never guess, but the neatest 'nasi-lemak' packaging belongs to clarence [the right-most one] and weird shape both sides also got scotch tape belongs to edna [the left most one] and the one that looks nice on one side and completely disastrous on the other side is MINE! hahaha [the center one]
surprisingly, clarence was really good and wrapping nasi lemak. edna was okay. i was completely hopeless. so i was relegated to cutting the scotchtape for both of them:D
the finished packaging! so so so lovely!
even though i couldn't wrap nice packaging, apparently i can tie nice ribbons!(: these both are mine i think...

mine's the one on the right!(: which is way better than the other two droopy ribbons:D
long day, rather tired and well, i gotta get back to study! more pictures tmr hopefully, after hotcakes1101e revision lecture(:
Labels: marshall, R, school
I've never really thought of myself as a fastidious person.
i mean, compared to elaine...
let's just say i don't go around clearing people's trash. or hounding people to tidy what seems to me to be an already tidy place. nor do i... okay shan't reveal too much of her fussiness. NOT, that she isn't a great person. she is. just well, each of us have our quirky behaviors.
and mine, is not being picky.
in fact, i'd like to think of myself as a pretty laidback person.
Then i realised that there were a number of things i couldn't stand.
and that those things bordered on the weird, and the strangely abnormal.
i began to wonder if i labelled myself 'easygoing' erroneously.
and i began to think.
which never is a very good sign.
then i began to count off my head the things i cannot stand
which people think are weird, strange or just plain absurd:D
ONE: i don't like paper to be less than 80gsm. even fullscap paper must be of the right thickness. else i'd be unhappy doing my work
TWO: i absolutely detest ice cream to be melted. I WILL NOT EAT MELTED ICECREAM UNLIKE ELAINE. cos thats like milk! when i eat a tub of icecream or a cone for that matter, i'd keep 'clearing' the melted parts and play: fight against the heat and see if i can clear the liquidy part faster than it can melt the solid part.
THREE: I don't like pen nibs that are greater than 0.5. although i think this is a common one for all girls:D
FOUR: I can't jog if someone is talking to me. My dad found this out the hard way when i kept stopping and refusing to go on because i can't concentrate on jogging when he talks to me and makes me laugh. don't know why i need to concentrate on jogging but, thats just the way
FIVE: I can make fun of myself. but only a few selected others can. and i have no idea who they are
SIX: i hate being woken up by phone calls when i'm lying on my bed on saturday and sunday mornings.
i'm sure theres a whole lot more strange and quirky 'preferences' about me. But i can't really think of them right now. will add more when i can think of them!
Labels: dislikes, R
This is the awesome macaroni+campbell soup+hotdog bowls i made at 11.30PM last night
I think it doesn't look as good as it tastes:(

Elaine and I took tons of photos today. and i was thinking of uploading all.
which would be an absolute waste of time(since i'm gonna upload it on facebook too)
plus i have to upload her birthday pics which i haven't gotten from godpa yet(:
so, i shan't. though i did add in this photo
where both of us don't look like ourselves
more like
i look prettier than i actually am.
and elaine actually manages to look more retarded than she actually is
which is a tough act to pull.
anyway, for those of you who attended her birthday celebration last night,
you'd know that these are her two official 'poses
the scrunch face and the peace sign-.-
anyway, at the party yesterday, my dad and uncle bk
decided to mimic her poses from the video
with really hilarious results
will upload the LOL pictures once they are available
On a second note, MY MUM IS COMING HOME TMR
and emily too.
that means. my sis and my dad are gonna be packing the house like mad
mum, if you're reading this
NO, we didn't mess the house:D
it's all clean and shiny(:
thought of something interesting to write about earlier on
but it completely slipped my mind
so, till my mind revives itself then
back to menial labour:D
Labels: food, R, sister
ELAINE YIP:D HAPPY 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd....79th, 80th, 81st... BIRTHDAY:D
PHEW. i'm dead tired from all the running around today trying to make her 18th birthday one of the best shes had. such that. I LOOK UNGLAM AND FAT IN EVERY PHOTO:(
sighh. the price of being an older sister...
as of now, i'm really too tired to blog about anything:/
but i'd just like to say if there was a best sister award. i think i'd win it:D
who would make macaroni with campbell soup and hotdog at ELEVEN PM after PRAYER meeting, after shes sung till her throat's hoarse just cos her sis is hungry?!
HAHA. super bragster-like.
gosh. i'm probably only bragging cos i'm tired and dirty and feeling so sticky all over...
so i'll continue another day with all the photos of THE BIG DAY
Labels: birthday, R, sister
just got my long awaited parcel in the mail!!!
The type of shoes i've ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted to own!
yepp, i am absolutely IN LOVE with them. although because they were a 'sales' item, i had to get one size smaller than i usually wear.
I wear a size 36 but i bought a size 35 cos the only other available size was a 37 and when i measured my foot, i thought i'd NEVER be able to walk around in a size 37 pair of shoes!
so these shoes do pinch my toes a little, but not much. I feel absolutely powerful wearing them! Like i'd be a whole. head. taller.
The price of fashion is pain. But i suppose it's worth it, if these shoes could help me learn how to maintain my composure in heels(:
which is a pretty awesome place considering they stock my favourite kind of shoes(:
and yes i know my ribbon wasn't tied on very nicely, but i was just so excited to prance around in the shoes that i just hurriedly tied my ribbon without bothering to do it the right way:P
It's on the TWENTY-FIRST of JANUARY at SEVEN-THIRTY PM, at UCC. it's called: "the day after"
go book your tickets at th.thedayafter@gmail.com!
like NOW! hhahaa
now excuse me while i go prance around in my beautiful shoes:D
Labels: hall, R, shoes
Just finished writing the lyrics for a song, and suddenly I feel inspiration flooding back to me!
gone gone gone is my writer's block!
At least, thats what i hope. Cos the song was an emo song.
And i think thats the easiest kind of song to write!
Since it's so sad and with so much emotion...
unfortunately, I don't think I can post the lyrics of the song here
cos it's for a play FOR TH PRODUCTIONS next year. I shall post it after the play.
yes yes, even though i'm sure not many people read my verbal diarrhoea
It's at UCC erm. on the. wait I know this...I think it's the 21st of JANUARY 2011! it's a friday
so if you read this, please keep the date free:D
erm. if it didn't remember the date wrongly!
I'm quite proud of myself. In the sense of accomplishment, not arrogance.
I think i've rediscovered my knack for writing
and instead of churning out drudgery
I think it's become pretty enjoyable to move with the flow of words!
unfortunately. I don't think that's gonna be of any use for EL1101e-.-
I can't believe this sem is ending soon. And the ending of the sem reminds me of exams
Why does time past SO SO SO FAST IN UNI???
and i think we run on a different clock:(
just returned from an awesome music making session with joy(:
as in, LITERALLY music making. you know, making music from scratch?
anyway, the song has a life of it's own...probably injected in by joy:D
cos it's flowing better than I expected it would.
it's like my little baby! HAHA
but then again, I've never had a baby before so, that wasn't exactly a good metaphor(:
BUT. i'm inspired.
if only i could be inspired to read the chunk of readings on my table as well:(
sigh. back to staring at the pile.
Labels: hall, R, writer's block